Help and FAQs
Order Status
- Where can I check order status and tracking?
- My order hasn't arrived.
- Something is missing or incorrect in my shipment.
My Account
- How do I create an account?
- I forgot my password.
Shipping and Returns
- How long will it take to ship my order?
- I need to return something. What's your policy?
- What is your free shipping offer?
International Shipping
- Do you ship to my country?
- What are my payment choices?
- What are my International shipping charges?
- Privacy Policy
- Security
Pricing and Billing
- I need a copy of my receipt/invoice.
- When will my credit appear on my account?
- Paying by ACH, Check, PO, Revolving Credit Card or other method.
- Do I have to pay sales tax?
- Does my the employee discount apply to all items?
- How do I receive my staff/committee discount?
Buyer's Guide
- How do I buy/redeem a gift certificate?
- How do I find a product?
- How do I use a coupon?
Additional Support
- Shipping update and our response to COVID-19